Авиационные аббревиатуры, начинающиеся на цифры:
1 PPS | - | One Pulse Per Second |
1 :1 | - | One-to-one relationship |
1 :M | - | One-to-Many relationship |
16PF | - | Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire |
2D | - | Two Dimensional |
3D | - | Three Dimensional |
3D | - | Palair Macedonian (airline) |
4D | - | Four Dimensional |
4D FMS | - | 4D Flight Management System |
4D-NAV | - | 4D Navigation |
4DTN | - | 4D Trajectory Negotiation |
4-MASt | - | 4-MAST group |
5LNC | - | Five Letter Name Code |
5-ST-RSG | - | 5-States Route Structure Group |
5-STRSSG | - | 5-States Route Structure Steering Group |
5-SRSWG | - | 5-States Route Structure Working Group |
8.33 CP | - | 8.33 Contact Person |
8.33 PMC | - | 8.33 Programme Management Cell |
8.33 State | - | A State initially implementing 8.33 kHz channel spacing |
Авиационные аббревиатуры, на букву A:
A | - | Aeroplane |
A | - | Amber |
A | - | Prededing 4 digits Altimeter (Metar) |
A | - | Ampere |
A | - | At or Above (constrained altitude) |
A | - | Autotuned NAVAID |
A | - | Austria |
A01 | - | Automated Observation Without Precipitation Discriminator |
A02 | - | Automated Observation With Precipitation Discriminator |
A SMGCS | - | Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems |
A/A | - | Air/Air (Air ti Air) |
A/C, a/c | - | Aircraft |
A/D | - | Analog-to-Digital |
A/D Converter | - | Analogue-to Digital Converter |
A/G | - | Air-Ground |
A/I | - | Accident(s)/Incident(s) |
A/l | - | Anti-ice |
A/L | - | Auto Land |
A/P | - | Autopilot |
A/T | - | Autothrottle |
AA | - | American |
AA | - | Approved agency |
AAA | - | Advanced ATC System Amsterdam |
AAA | - | Asian Airliners Association |
AAA | - | (or AAB, AAC...etc., in sequence) Amended meteorological message (message type designator) |
AAATS | - | Australian Advanced Air Traffic Services |
AAC | - | Alpha Attenuation Coefficient |
AAC | - | Aeronautical Administration Communication (a class of communication which supports administrative communication) |
AAC | - | Airline Administrative Communication |
AACC | - | Airport Associations Co-ordinating Council |
AACE | - | Airfield Approach Control Element |
AACI | - | Airports Association Council International |
AACO | - | Arab Air Carriers Organisation |
AAD | - | Assigned Altitude Deviation |
AAF | - | ATM Added Functions |
AAFCE | - | Allied Air Forces Central Europe |
AAFG | - | ATM Added Functionality Sub-Group |
AAG | - | AIS Automation Group |
AAGDI / AGADE | - | Automated Air/Ground Data Interchange |
AAH | - | Autonomous Aircraft Hybrid |
AAIB | - | Air Accident Investigation Branch (UK equivalent of NTSB) |
AAIM | - | Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
AAIS | - | Automated AIS |
AAL | - | Above Aerodrome level |
AALS | - | Advanced Approach and Landing System |
AAM | - | Airbus Asset Management |
AAM | - | Airline Administration Message |
AAME | - | Association of Aviation Medical Examiners |
AAP | - | Advanced Automation Program |
AAPA | - | Association of Asia Pacific Airlines |
AAR | - | Airport Acceptance Rate or Airport Arrival Rate |
AAR | - | Air-to-Air Refuelling |
AAS | - | Advanced Automation System (the end systems for all FAA air traffic control, located at the ARTCCs |
AASA | - | Air Lines Association of Southern Africa |
AASC | - | Airport Authorities Steering Committee |
AASI | - | Aeronautical Applications Service Interface |
AASR | - | Airways and Airport Surveillance Radar |
AAT | - | Alpha Attenuation Test |
AATF | - | Airworthiness Assurance Task Force |
AATMS | - | Advanced Air Traffic Management System |
AATT | - | Advanced Aviation Transportation Technology |
AAUI | - | Aeronautical Applications User Interface |
AAWF | - | Auxiliary Aviation Weather Facility |
AB | - | Action Button (mouse) |
ABAS | - | Aircraft-based Augmentation System |
ABC | - | ATC Bypass Complex |
ABET | - | Airspace Behavioural Engineering Technology |
ABFG | - | ATM Basic Functions Sub-Group |
ABI | - | Advance Boundary Information |
ABM | - | Abeam |
ABN | - | Aerodrome Airport Beacon |
ABPSK | - | Aviation Binary Phase Shift Keying |
ABT | - | About |
ABV | - | Above |
AC | - | Air Canada |
AC | - | Alternating Current |
AC | - | Altocumulus |
AC | - | Assessment Centre |
AC | - | Assistant Controller |
AC | - | Advisory Circular |
АСА | - | Air Traffic Centre Architecture |
АСА | - | Airport Co-ordinators Association |
АСА | - | Airspace Control Activity |
АСА | - | AUP / UUP Composition application (software) |
АСА | - | Austrian Cockpit Association |
ACAC | - | Arab Civil Aviation Council |
Acad | - | Academic establishments |
ACAD | - | Auto Computer Aided Design (Operator-Input + Display System) |
ACAG | - | Airspace Co-ordination Agencies |
АСАМ | - | Airport Capacity Airside Modelling |
ACAMS | - | Aircraft Condition Analysis and Management System |
ACARS | - | Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System |
ACARS | - | ARINC communications and address reporting system (digital communications system used primarily for aircraft-to-airline messages) |
ACARS MU | - | ACARS Management Unit |
ACAS | - | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACAS I | - | Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 1 |
ACAS II | - | Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 2 |
ACAS III | - | Aircraft Collision Avoidance System Version 3 |
ACASA | - | ACAS Analysis |
ACATF | - | ATC Centre Communications Architecture Task Force |
ACB | - | Aeroclub |
ACC | - | Area Control Centre |
ACC Controller | - | Area Controller |
ACC Loop | Anticipation-Action-Comparison Loop | |
ACCA | - | Air Charters Carriers Association |
ACCC | - | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission |
ACCEL | - | Accelerate |
ACCESS | - | Aircraft Control Console for Experiments and Simulations Studies |
ACCID | - | Notification of an aircraft accident |
ACC-PC | - | ACC Planning Controller |
ACCS | - | Air Command and Control System |
ACC-TC | - | ACC Tactical Controller |
ACCUM | - | Accumulate |
ACDAC | - | Asociacion Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles |
ACDMD | - | Air Collaborative Decision Making Demonstrator |
ACE | - | Allied Command Europe |
ACE | - | Altimeter Control Equipment |
ACE | - | ATC Communications Environment |
ACF | - | Area Control Facility. See ACC or ARTC |
ACFS | - | Advanced Concepts Flight Simulator (a generic "glass cockpit") |
ACFT | - | Aircraft |
ACG | - | Advanced ATS Concept Group |
ACG | - | Advanced Concept Group |
ACG | - | ATN/CNS Consultation Group |
ACG | - | ATS System Concept Working Group |
ACG | - | Austro Control GmbH |
ACH | - | ATC Flight Plan Change Message |
ACH | - | ATC Flight Plan Change |
ACI | - | Airports Council International |
ACI | - | Area of Common Interest |
ACID | - | Aircraft Identification (ICAO) |
ACIPLA | - | Asociacian Civil de Pilotos de Lineas Aereas (Uruquay) |
ACK | - | Acknowledge(ment) message |
ACL | - | Altimeter Check Location |
ACL | - | ATC Clearances |
ACM | - | Acceptance of (Radar) Co-ordination Message |
ACM | - | Acceptable Means of Compliance |
ACM | - | Airspace Control Measures |
ACM | - | ATC Communication Management |
ACMS | - | Aircraft Condition Monitoring System |
ACN | - | Aircraft Classification Number |
ACN | - | Airspace Co-ordination Notification |
ACN | - | Austrian Communication Network |
ACNZ | - | Airways Corporation of New Zealand |
ACO | - | Airspace Co-ordination Order |
ACOD | - | Area Conflict Detection |
ACP | - | Accept Message |
ACP | - | Acceptance Message |
ACP | - | African, Caribbean and Pacific States |
ACP | - | Aircraft Control Position (window) |
ACP | - | Airspace Control Plan |
ACP | - | Airspace Crossing Acceptance Message |
ACP | - | Allied Communications Publication |
ACP | - | Azimuth Change/Count Pulses |
ACP | - | Area Control Procedural |
ACPO | - | Aircraft Position Operator |
ACPSC | - | Advisory Committee on Procurement and Sales Contracts (Eurocontrol/DF) |
ACPT | - | Accept or Accepted |
ACR | - | Air Carrier |
ACR | - | Atlantic Co-ordinated Route |
ACRPWG | - | Aircraft Crash Recovery Procedures Working Group |
ACS | - | Advanced Communication System |
ACS | - | Airspace Control System |
ACS | - | Area Control Surveillance |
ACSA | - | Allied Communications Security Agency |
ACSE | - | Application Control Service Element |
ACT | - | Active |
ACT | - | Activation message designator |
ACT | - | ATC Activation message |
ACT/LAM | - | Activation Message / Logical Acknowledgement Message |
ACTF | - | Aeronautical Charting Task Force |
ACU | - | Airspace/Antenna Control Unit. See BSU |
ACYC | - | Anticyclonic |
AD | - | Administrative Domain (ENOC) |
AD | - | Aerodrome |
AD | - | Air Defence |
AD | - | Airworthiness Directive |
AD | - | CFMU/FDOD - Airspace Data Section |
ADA | - | Advisory Area |
ADAGES | - | Action Plan Definition on the Basis of Architecture studies from GAAS for EATMS |
ADAP | - | Automated Downlink of Airborne Parameters |
ADAPT | - | ATS Data Acquisition, Processing and Transfer Panel (ICAO) |
ADC | - | Air Defence Centre / Command / Clearance |
ADC | - | Air Data Computer |
ADC | - | Analog to Digital Converter |
ADCA | - | Air Defence Classification Area |
ADCE | - | Aircraft Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment |
ADCP | - | Air Defence Command Post |
ADD | - | Architectural Design Document |
ADD | - | Average Delay per Delayed Flight |
ADDI | - | Automated Digital Data Interchange (ICAO) |
ADDN | - | Addition or Additional |
ADDR | - | Address |
ADE | - | Air Defence Element |
ADE | - | Autonomous Display Equipment |
ADEG | - | ATS Data Exchange Group |
ADEP | - | Aerodrome of Departure |
ADES | - | Aerodrome of Destination |
ADEXA | - | Air Defence Exercise Area |
ADEXP | - | ATS Data Exchange Presentation (message format used for IFPS); ATS Data Exchange Program Format |
ADF | - | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADFL | - | Augmented Dynamic Flight Leg |
ADGE | - | Air Defence Ground Environment |
ADJ | - | Adjacent |
ADI | - | Aerodrome Control Instrument |
ADI | - | Attitude Director lndicator |
ADI | - | Attitude Display Indicator |
ADIDS | - | Advanced Data & Image Distribution System (CCTV Application) |
ADIRS | - | Air Data Inertial Reference System |
ADIRU | - | Air Data Inertial Reference Unit |
ADIS | - | Automatic dependent surveillance and Data Link Interim System |
ADIS | - | Automatic dependent surveillance and Data Link Interim System |
ADIS (P) | - | Automated Data Interchange System (Panel) - ICAO |
ADIZ | - | Air Defence Identification Zone |
ADLP | - | Aircraft Data Link Processor (the Mode S subnetwork function onboard the aircraft that implements the OSI network layer protocols) |
ADM | - | Administrative/Administration |
ADM | - | Aeronautical Decision Making |
ADM | - | Average Delay per Movement |
ADM | - | Airborne Data Bus |
ADM | - | Air Data Module |
ADMA | - | Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association |
ADMD | - | Airspace Data Management & Distribution |
ADNC | - | Air Defence Notification Centre (GR) |
ADNS | - | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated Data Network Service |
ADOC | - | Air Defence Operations Centre |
ADOLT | - | Air Defence Liaison Team |
ADORA | - | Analysis and Definition of the Operational Requirements for ATM |
ADP | - | Activity Predictor Display |
ADP | - | ATFM Daily Plan |
ADP | - | Automated Data Processing or Auxiliary Data Processing |
ADPG | - | ATM Data Processing Sub-Group |
ADR | - | Advisory Route |
ADR | - | Air Data Reference |
ADR | - | Airfield Damage Repair |
ADR | - | Average Delay per Regulated Flight |
ADREP | - | Accident/Incident Reporting System |
ADRS | - | Air Defence Radar Site |
ADS | - | Air Data System |
ADS | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS-A | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Addressed |
ADS-B | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
ADS-C | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract |
ADS-P | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Panel (ICAO) |
ADS-R | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Report |
ADSEL | - | Address Selective SSR System (UK) |
ADSIA | - | Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency |
ADSP | - | ADS Processor |
ADSP | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel (ICAO) |
ADSU | - | ADS Unit |
ADT | - | Air Data Tester |
ADT | - | Approved Departure Time |
ADTI | - | Additional Technical Information (ODS - ESCO) |
ADUG | - | Airport Database User Group |
ADV | - | Advise |
ADV | - | Aerodrome Control Visual |
ADVCTN | - | Advection |
ADVON | - | Advanced Echelon |
ADVY | - | Advisory |
ADZ | - | Advise |
ADZD | - | Advised |
ADZY | - | Advisory |
AE | - | ATM Engineering |
AE | - | Application Entity |
AE | - | United Arab Emirates (ISO Country Code) |
AEA | - | Association of European Airlines |
AECB | - | Atomic Energy Control Board |
AECG | - | ACAS Evaluation and Co-ordination Group |
AFCS | - | Automatic Flight Control System |
AEEC | - | Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee |
AEFMP | - | Algeria, Spain, France, Maroc, Portugal Project |
AEGIS | - | Airborne Early Warning Ground Environment Integrated Segment |
AEGIS | - | ATM European Group for Improvement of Scenarios |
AEG-TFK | - | AEG-Telefunken |
AEM | - | Airports & Environment Management (Eurocontrol) |
AENA | - | Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegation Aerea (ES)/Spanish Airport and Air navigation Administration |
AERA | - | Automated En-Route Air Traffic Control |
AEREA | - | Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics |
AEROSAT | - | Aeronautical Satellite Council |
AES | - | Aircraft/Airborne Earth Station (ICAO - ADS) |
AES | - | ATC Engineering Section |
AES | - | Automatic Enhanced Surveillance |
AEV | - | Annual Equivalent Value |
AEW | - | Airborne Early Warning |
AEWPD | - | Adapted EATM Work Programme Document |
AF | - | Air Force |
AF | - | Air France (airline) |
AF | - | Audio Frequency (VCS) |
AF | - | DME Arc to a Fix (ARINC 424 Path Terminator) |
AFA | - | Association of Flight Attendants |
AFAS | - | Aircraft in the Future ATM System |
AFAST | - | Active Final Approach Spacing Tool |
AFB | - | Air Force Base |
AFC | - | Airport Facilities Control (ICAO) |
AFC | - | Area Forecast Center |
AFC | - | ATC Frequency Change (service) |
AFCAC | - | African Civil Aviation Commission |
AFCNF | - | Air Force Central NOTAM Facility |
AFCS | - | Automatic Flight Control System |
AFD | - | Airport Facility Directory |
AFD | - | Associated Flight Details |
AFDK | - | After Dark |
AFDS | - | Autopilot Flight Director System (also A/P F/D) |
AFFSC (E) | - | Air Forces Flight Safety Committee (Europe) |
AFG | - | Advisory Financial Group (ex-FCG/Eurocontrol) |
AFI | - | Africa-Indian Ocean Region (ICAO) |
AFIL | - | Air Filed Flight Plan |
AFIS | - | Airport/Aerodrome Flight Information Service |
AFISO | - | Aerodrome Flight information Service Officer |
AFIZ | - | Aerodrome Flight information Zone |
AFL | - | Actual Flight Level |
AFL | - | Assigned Flight Level |
AFM | - | Yes or Affirm or Affirmative or That is Correct |
AFM | - | Airplane Flight Manual |
AFMS | - | Advanced Flight Management System |
AFMSG | - | Audit and Financial Matters Sub-Group |
AFN | - | Air Traffic Services Facilities Notification |
AFN | - | Airspace/Flow Management & Navigation Business Division (Eurocontrol) |
AFP | - | Active Flight Plan Processing |
AFP | - | Area Forecast Panel |
AFP | - | ATC Flight Plan Proposal |
AFPA | - | Automated Flight Plan to Track Association |
AFPL | - | ADEXP Filed Flight Plan |
AFRAA | - | African Airlines Association |
AFS | - | Advanced Functional Simulator |
AFS | - | Aeronautical Fixed Services |
AFS | - | Automatic Flight System |
AFSATCOM | - | Airborne Satellite Communication |
AFSS | - | Automated Flight Service Station |
AFT | - | After (time or place) |
AFTN | - | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network |
AFW | - | Area Flows Window |
AFWA | - | Automatic Flight Weather Advisory |
AGA | - | Aerodromes and Ground Aids |
AGARD | - | Advisory Group on Aeronautical Research and Developments |
AGAS | - | European Action Group for ATM Safety |
AGATE | - | Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments |
AGC | - | Automatic Gain Control (VCS) |
AGCS | - | Air-Ground Communication System |
AGCSG | - | Air/Ground Communication Sub-Group Meeting |
AGDC | - | Air/Ground Data Communications |
AGDC-SG | - | Air/Ground Data Communications Sub Group. See AGSG |
AGDC-TF | - | Air/Ground Data Communications-TF (ODT) |
AGDL | - | Air-Ground Data Link |
AGDLS | - | Air-Ground Data Link System |
AGL | - | Above Ground Level |
AGLAE | - | Air-Ground Data Link Applications Experimentation |
AGN | - | Again |
AGN | - | Agenda |
AGOD | - | Advisory Group on Deliverables |
AGR | - | Agreement |
AGSG | - | Air / Ground Data Communication Sub group |
AGVC-SG | - | Air/Ground Voice Communication Sub Group |
AHDG | - | Assigned Heading |
AHEAD | - | Automation and Harmonisation of European Aeronautical Data |
AHGSO | - | Ad Hoc Group of Senior Officials |
AH MI | - | Airborne Human Machine Interface |
AHRS | - | Attitude and Heading Reference System |
AHS | - | American Helicopter Association |
AI | - | Artificial Intelligence |
AI | - | Air India (airline) |
AIA | - | Aerospace Industries Association |
AIAA | - | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
AIAA | - | Area of Intense Aerial Activity |
AIB | - | Aeronautical Information Bulletin (EAD) |
AIC | - | Aeronautical Information Circular |
AICB | - | Air Initiated Comm-B Protocol |
AICG | - | Ab Initio Co-ordination Group |
AICG | - | ACAS Implementation Co-ordination Group |
AICG | - | Airport Interface Co-ordination Group |
AICM | - | Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (EAD) |
AID | - | Aid or Aircraft Identification |
AIDA | - | Aeronautical Information and Data handling Austria |
AIDC | - | ATS Interfacility Data Communications (ICAO) |
AIDS | - | Aircraft Integrated Data System |
AIG | - | ACAS Implementation Group ; Automatic Input Generation |
AIG | - | Accident Investigation and Prevention |
AIL | - | Aeronautical Item Location Bank |
AIM | - | Airman's Information Manual |
AIM | - | ATFM Information Message |
AIM-FANS | - | Airbus Interoperable Modular FANS |
AIMS | - | Airplane Information Management System (Boeing 777) |
AIMS | - | Aircraft Integrated Monitoring (Information Management) System |
AIP | - | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIPN | - | Appointing authority |
AIR | - | Armament Initiative and Requirements |
AIR 4653 | - | Aerospace Information Report 4653 - (Flight Management Systems Review) |
AIR | - | Air Control |
AIRAC | - | Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control |
AIRCOM | - | Aircraft Communications |
AIREP | - | Air-Report (ICAO) |
AIRMET | - | Air Meteorological Information Report which may affect the safety of low-level aircraft operations |
AIRPROX | - | The code word used in air traffic incident report to designate aircraft proximity (ICAO) |
AIRS | - | Advanced Infrared Sounder |
AIS | - | Aeronautical Information Services |
AISAP | - | AIS Automation Specialist Panel |
AISAS | - | Aeronautical Information Services Automated System |
AISC | - | Aeronautical Mobile Communications System Panel |
AISC | - | Aeronautical Industry Service Communication |
AISG | - | AIS Automation Group |
AISPOP | - | AIS Planning and Operations Subgroup |
AISS | - | Aeronautical Information Server System |
AIS-TF | - | AIS Training Task Force |
AISU | - | Aeronautical Information Service Unit |
AITSC | - | Administrative IT Steering Committee |
AIXM | - | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model |
AKARD | - | Available Knowledge And required system Research and Development |
AL | - | Aircraft Label |
AL | - | Albania (ISO Country Code) |
AL | - | Alerting Service |
AL | - | Allegheny |
ALA | - | Alighting Area |
ALB | - | Alternative Label |
ALCC | - | Airlift Central Co-ordination Centre |
ALCE | - | Airlift Control Element |
ALCM | - | Air Launched Cruise Missile |
ALD | - | Airlift Division |
ALERFA | - | Alert Phase |
Alert | - | Alert phase |
Alert Indicator | - | (visual or auditory) which provides information to the flightcrew in a timely manner about an event requiring pilot awareness. |
ALF | - | Aloft |
ALIM | - | Altitude Limit (Positive RA Altitude Threshold) |
ALLA | - | Allied Long Lines Agency |
ALMC | - | Airlift Movement Cell |
ALO | - | Air Force Liaison Officer |
ALPA | - | Air Line Pilots Association |
ALQDS | - | All Quadrants |
ALR | - | Alerting message |
ALRS | - | Alerting Service |
ALRT | - | Alert |
ALS | - | Approach Lighting System |
ALS | - | Architecture Layer Structure (ISO) |
ALS | - | Automatic Line Switch (RMCDE) |
ALS | - | Automatizovany Letisni System (CZ) /Automated Airport System |
ALSEC | - | All Sectors |
ALSF-2 | - | High Intensity Approach Lighting Systerm with Sequenced Flashing Lights. |
ALSTG | - | Altimeter Setting |
ALT | - | Airborne Link Terminal |
ALT | - | Altitude |
ALT | - | Alternate |
ALTM | - | Altimeter |
ALTN | - | Alternate Aerodrome |
ALTNLY | - | Alternately |
ALT HOLD | - | Altitude Hold Mode |
ALTRV | - | Altitude Reservation System |
ALWF | - | Actual Wind Factor |
AM | - | Aeromexico |
AM | - | Airspace Management |
AM | - | Amplitude Modulation |
AM | - | Armenia (ISO Country Code) |
AM | - | Arrival Manager |
AM | - | Attribute Modification |
AMA | - | Area Minimum Altitude |
AMA | - | Airlift Management Agency |
AMAN | - | Arrival Manager (APATSI) |
AMC | - | Airspace Management Cell |
AMC | - | АТС Microphone Check (service) |
AMC | - | Avionics Maintenance Conference |
AMC/CADF | - | Airspace Management Cell – ECAC Centralised Airspace Data Function |
AMCP | - | Aeronautical Mobile Communication Panel (ICAO) |
AMD | - | Administrative Management Domain |
AMD | - | Advisory Map Display |
AMD | - | Amend or Amended |
AMD | - | Arrival manager Display |
AMDP | - | Airspace Management Data Processing |
AMDP-TF | - | EATCHIP Airspace Management Data Processing Task Force |
AMDT | - | Amendment (ICAO) |
AMDWP | - | Aeromedical Working Party |
AME | - | ATM Message Exchange |
AMEG | - | Air Miss Evaluation Group |
AMGR | - | Airport Manager |
AMHS | - | Aeronautical Message Handling Service |
AMI | - | Airline Modifiable Information |
AMI | - | Administrative and Management Information Software |
AMID | - | Approach Multi-Input Device (ODID) |
AMJ | - | Advisory Material Joint |
AMLCD | - | Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display |
AML (WP) | - | Airfield Markings and Lighting (Working Party) |
AMN | - | Airspace Management and Navigation (EATM Unit) |
AMOC | - | ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management |
AMOC | - | ATFM Modelling Capability |
AMOS | - | Automatic Meteorological Observing System |
AMOS | - | ARTAS Maintenance and Operational Support organisation |
AMOSS | - | Airline Maintenance and Operation Support System |
AMPS | - | American Mobile Phone System |
AMS | - | Aeronautical Mobile Service Air Mass |
AMS | - | Airspace Management Service |
AMS | - | ATC Model-Simulations Studies |
AMS(R)S | - | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite (Route) Service |
AMSC | - | Allied Military Security Code |
AMSL | - | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMSS | - | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services |
AMSS | - | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite System |
AMSS | - | Automatic Message Switching System |
AMSSP | - | Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service Panel |
AMT | - | ADS Mediterranean Trials |
AMTI | - | Adaptive Moving Target Indicator |
AN | - | Access Node (RMCDE) |
ANA | - | Aeroportos e Navegacao Аёгеа (PT) |
ANA | - | All Nippon Airways |
ANA-EP | - | Aeroportos e Navegacao Аёгеа Empresa Publica (PT) |
ANC | - | Access Network Computer |
ANC | - | Air Navigation Commission / Conference (ICAO) |
ANCAT | - | Abatement of Nuisances Caused by Air Transport (ECAC environmental policy committee (ENVAL) |
ANDRA | - | Advanced Node for Data Relay in ATN |
ANDS | - | ANS Department |
ANERC | - | Advanced New En-Route Centre (UK) |
ANLYS | - | Analysis |
ANM | - | ATFM Notification Message (CFMU / ECAC States) |
ANOVA | - | Analysis of Variance |
ANP | - | Actual Navigation Performance |
ANP | - | Air Navigation Plan |
ANPP | - | Air Navigation Plan Publication |
ANS | - | Air Navigation Service |
ANS | - | Answer |
ANS/CR | - | Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic |
ANSA | - | International Advisory Group Air Navigation Services |
ANSEP | - | Air Navigation Services Economics Panel (ICAO) |
ANSI | - | American National Standards Institute |
ANSIR | - | Advanced Navigation System Inertial Reference |
ANSO | - | Air Navigation Services Offices (Irish aviation authority) |
ANSP | - | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ANT | - | Airspace and Navigation Team |
АО | - | Aircraft Operator |
АО | - | Airlines Operator |
АО | - | Arrival Operations |
АО | - | ATM Operations |
AOA | - | Aircraft Operating Agency (e.g. Airlines) |
AOA | - | Angle-of-Attack |
AOA | - | Airport Operations Area |
AOB | - | Air Order of Battle |
AOB | - | Angle of Bank |
AOC | - | Advanced Operational Capability |
AOC | - | Aerodrome Obstruction/Obstacle Chart |
AOC | - | Aeronautical Operational Communications |
AOC | - | Aircraft Operating Company |
AOC | - | Aircraft Operations Centre (ICAO) |
AOC | - | Airline Operation Control |
AOC | - | Aeronautical Operation Control (communications which support safety and regularity of flight that normally take place between aircraft and the operator) |
AOC | - | Assume of Control (ODID) |
AOC | - | Auxiliary Output Chip |
AOC | - | Aeronautical Operational Control |
AOC | - | Air Operator's Certificate |
AOC | - | Airline Operational Communications |
AOCC | - | Aircraft Operator Control Centre |
AOCI | - | Airport Operators Council International |
AOCP | - | Airborne Operational Computer Programme |
AOCS | - | Attitude and Orbit Control System |
AOCU | - | Aircraft Operator Control Unit |
AOF | - | AIS Office (EAD) |
AOF | - | Allocation of Functions |
AOG | - | Aircraft On Ground |
AOI | - | Aircraft Operations Information |
AOI | - | Area of Operational Interest |
AOI | - | AIS Office |
AOIS | - | Aeronautical Operational Information System |
AOM | - | Aircraft Operations Manual |
AOP | - | Aeronautical OSI Profile |
AOPA | - | Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations |
AOPG | - | Aerodrome Operations Group (ICAO) |
AOPTF | - | Aerodrome Operations Task Force |
AOR | - | Area of Responsibility |
AOR | - | Atlantic Ocean Region (ICAO) |
AOR-E | - | Atlantic Ocean Region - East (ICAO) |
AORTF | - | ATM Added Functionality Operational Requirements Task Force |
AOR-W | - | Atlantic Ocean Region - West (ICAO) |
AOS | - | Airport Operations Strategy Drafting Group |
AOT | - | Airport Operations Team |
AOU | - | Aircraft Operator Unit |
AOWIR | - | Aircraft Operator What-If Re-routing |
AOWP | - | Airport Operations Work Plan |
AP | - | Airport |
AP | - | Auto-Pilot |
AP | - | Application Process APA Allied Pilots Association |
APANPIRG | - | Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group |
APAPI | - | Abbreviated Precision Approach Path Indicator |
APATSI | - | Airport / Air Traffic Systems Interface (ECAC) |
APB | - | APATSI Project Board |
APC | - | Aeronautical Passenger Communications / Correspondence |
APC | - | Aeronautical Public Correspondence |
APC | - | Assistant Planning Controller |
APCH | - | Approach |
APD | - | Activity Predictor Display |
APDLC | - | Aircraft Proximity Data Link Communication (ICAO) |
APDSG | - | ATM Procedures Development Sub-Group |
APE | - | Analysis Programme for Evaluation |
API | - | Application Programming Interface |
APIS | - | Advanced Passenger Information system |
APIRG | - | Africa-Indian Ocean Planning and Implementation Regional Group (ICAO) |
APL | - | Abbreviated Flight Plan |
APL | - | Applied Physics Laboratory |
APL | - | ATC Flight Plan |
APLGT | - | Airport Lighting |
APM | - | Architecture Project Management |
APMB | - | ACAS Programme Management Board |
APMS | - | Automated Performance Measurement System |
APO | - | Airport Operator |
APO | - | Aircraft Performance and Operations |
APOD | - | Airport of Debarkation |
APP | - | Approach Centre / Control (office/service) |
APP controller/director | - | Approach controller/director |
App. | - | Appendix |
APPA-SG | - | ATFM Policies and Principles Advisory Sub-Group |
APP-ASS | - | Approach-Assistant |
APPR | - | Approach/Approach Mode |
APR | - | Automatic Position Reporting |
APRT | - | Airport |
APRX | - | Approximate or Approximately |
APS | - | Approach Control Surveillance |
APSG | - | ACAS Programme Steering Group |
APSG | - | After Passing |
APT | - | Airport(s) |
APT | - | Airspace Planning Team became ANT (March 94) |
APU | - | Auxiliary Power Unit |
APV | - | Approve or Approved or Approval |
APW | - | Area Proximity Warning |
AQAP | - | Allied Quality Assurance Publication |
AQG | - | Agency Quality Group |
AQP | - | Advanced Qualification Programme |
A-QPSK | - | Aviation Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
AR | - | Agency Representative (CIP) |
AR | - | Air Route |
AR | - | Automatic Reminder |
AR | - | Argentina (ISO Country Code) |
AR-1 | - | Approach Radar 1 |
ARAC | - | Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee |
ARB | - | Authoritative Representative Body |
ARC 2000 | - | Automatic Radar Control for the 21st Century (CEE) |
ARC | - | Airlift Requirement Centre |
arc | - | assigned rate of climb/descent |
ARC | - | Advanced Research for/in Air Traffic Control |
ARC (ARCH) | - | CFMU - Archive System |
ARCC | - | Air Rescue Co-ordination Centre |
ARCH | - | Archives and Quality Control System |
ARCID | - | Aircraft Identification |
ARCOS | - | Arrival Co-ordination System |
ARCP | - | Air Refuelling Control Point |
ARDEP | - | Analysis / Assessment of Research and Development in Eurocontrol Programmes |
ARDRS | - | Automatic Radar Data Recording System |
ARDS | - | ATM Architecture and overall system engineering |
ARETA | - | ATM with RNAV in Extended Terminal Area |
ARFA | - | Allied Radio Frequency Agency |
ARFF | - | Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting |
ARFOR | - | Area Forecast |
ARH | - | Architecture |
ARIBA | - | ATM system safety criticality Raised Issues in Balancing Actors Responsibility |
ARINC | - | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (a nonprofit corporation owned by member airlines to define form, fit and functions of avionics equipment) |
ARINC 306 | - | Guidance For Designers Of Aircraft- Electronic Installations |
ARINC 307 | - | Aircraft Integrated Data System Wire Bundle Provisions |
ARINC 404A | - | Air Transport Equipment Cases And Racking |
ARINC 406A | - | Airborne Electronic Equipment |
ARINC 408A | - | Air Transport Indicator Cases And Mounting |
ARINC 413A | - | Guidance For Aircraft Power Utilisation And Transient Protection |
ARINC 414 | - | General Guidance For Equipment And Installation Engineers |
ARINC 415 | - | Operation/Technical Guidelines On Failure Warning and Functional Test |
ARINC 419 | - | Digital Data System Compendium |
ARINC 421 | - | Guidance For Standard Subdivision of ATA Spec 100 Numbering System for Avionics |
ARINC 422 | - | Guidance For Modification Status Indicators & Avionics Service Bulletins |
ARINC 424 | - | Navigation System Data Base |
ARINC 429 | - | Mark 33 Digital Information Transfer System |
ARINC 528 | - | Airborne Tape Recorder |
ARINC 533A | - | Airborne HF SSB/AM System |
ARINC 541 | - | Airborne Magnetic Flight Data Recorder |
ARINC 542 | - | Airborne Oscillograph Flight Data Recorder |
ARINC 542A | - | Digital Flight Data Recorder |
ARINC 551 | - | Airborne Glide Slope Receiver - Mark 2 |
ARINC 557 | - | Airborne Voice Recorder |
ARINC 559A | - | Mark 2 Airborne HF SSB/AM System |
ARINC 561 | - | Air Transport Inertial Navigation System - INS |
ARINC 566 | - | Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver And Mark 1 VHF SATCOM System |
ARINC 566A | - | Mark 3 VHF Communications Transceiver |
ARINC 569 | - | Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment |
ARINC 569 | - | Heading and Altitude Sensor (HAS) |
ARINC 571 | - | Inertial Reference System (INS) |
ARINC 574 | - | Passenger Announcement, Entertainment & Service Multiplex System |
ARINC 575 | - | Mark 3 Subsonic Air Data System (Digital) |
ARINC 576 | - | Mark 4 Subsonic Air Data System |
ARINC 577 | - | Audible Warning System |
ARINC 578 | - | Airborne ILS Receiver |
ARINC 579 | - | Airborne VOR Receiver |
ARINC 585 | - | Electronic Chronometer System |
ARINC 591 | - | Quick Access Recorder For Aids System(OAR) |
ARINC 592 | - | Airborne Passenger Tape Record |
ARINC 594 | - | Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) |
ARINC 595 | - | Barometric Altitude Rate Computer |
ARINC 596 | - | Mark 2 Airborne SELCAL System |
ARINC 597 | - | Aircraft Communications Addressing And Reporting System (ACARS) |
ARINC 597A | - | Enhanced ACARS Avionics |
ARINC 59MA | - | Airborne Announcement Tape Reproducer |
ARINC 600 | - | Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces |
ARINC 601 | - | Control/Display Interfaces |
ARINC 602 | - | Test Equipment Guidance |
ARINC 602A | - | Test Equipment Guidance |
ARINC 603 | - | Airborne Computer Data Loader |
ARINC 604 | - | Guidance For Design And Use Of built-In Test Equipment (BITE) |
ARINC 605 | - | Users Guide For ARINC 616 Avionics Subset Of ATLAS Language |
ARINC 606 | - | Guidance For Electrostatic Sensitive Device Utilisation & Protection, Sup. 1 |
ARINC 608 | - | Standard Modular Avionics Repair And Test System (SMART) |
ARINC 609 | - | Design Guidance For Aircraft Electrical Power Systems |
ARINC 610 | - | Guidance For Design and Integration of Aircraft Avionics Equipment In Simulators, Supplement 1 |
ARINC 611 | - | Guidance For The Design and Installation Of Fuel Quantity Systems, Sup. 1 |
ARINC 612 | - | BITE Glossary |
ARINC 613 | - | Guidance for Using the Ada Programming Language in Avionics Systems |
ARINC 614 | - | Standard Firmware Loader For Avionics Shops |
ARINC 615 | - | Airborne Computer High Speed Data Loader, Supplement 3 |
ARINC 616 | - | Avionics Subset of ATLAS Language |
ARINC 620 | - | Data Link Ground System Standard And Interface Specification |
ARINC 622-1 | - | The ACARS Convergence Process |
ARINC 624 | - | Design Guidance For Onboard Maintenance System |
ARINC 626 | - | Standard ATLAS For Modular Test |
ARINC 627 | - | Programmers Guide For Smart Systems Using ARINC 626 ATLAS |
ARINC 629 | - | Multi Tester Data Bus: Part 1 - Technical Description |
ARINC 629 | - | Multi-Transmitter Data Bus |
ARINC 631 | - | Aviation Packet Communications Functional Description |
ARINC 651 | - | Design Guidance For Integrated Modular Electronics |
ARINC 659 | - | Backplane Data Bus for Integrated Modular Avionics |
ARINC 701 | - | Flight Control Computer System |
ARINC 702 | - | Flight Management Computer, Supplement 4& 5 |
ARINC 703 | - | Thrust Control Computer |
ARINC 704 | - | Inertial Reference System, Supplement 6 |
ARINC 705 | - | Altitude and Heading Reference System(AHRS) |
ARINC 706 | - | Subsonic Air Data System |
ARINC 707 | - | Radio Altimeter, Supplement 6 |
ARINC 708 | - | Airborne Weather Radar |
ARINC 709 | - | Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment, Supplement 8 |
ARINC 709A | - | Precision Airborne Distance Measuring Equipment |
ARINC 710 | - | Mark 2 Airborne ILS Receiver |
ARINC 711 | - | Mark 2 Airborne VOR Receiver |
ARINC 714 | - | Mark 3 Airborne SELCAL Systems |
ARINC 715 | - | Airborne Passenger Address Amplifier |
ARINC 716 | - | Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver |
ARINC 717 | - | Flight Data Acquisition And Recording System |
ARINC 718 | - | Mark 3 ATC Transponder |
ARINC 719 | - | Airborne HF/SSB System |
ARINC 720 | - | Digital Frequency/Function Selection for Airborne |
ARINC 722 | - | Electronic Equipment Protection Video System |
ARINC 723 | - | Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) |
ARINC 724 | - | Mark 2 Aircraft Communications |
ARINC 724A | - | Mark 2 ACARS Avionics |
ARINC 724B | - | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) |
ARINC 725 | - | Electronic Flight Instruments (EFIS) |
ARINC 726 | - | Flight Warning Computer System |
ARINC 727 | - | Airborne Microwave Landing System |
ARINC 728 | - | Avionics Refrigeration and Cooling System (ARCS) |
ARINC 729 | - | Analog And Discrete Data Converter System |
ARINC 730 | - | Airborne Separator Assurance System |
ARINC 731 | - | Electronic Chronometer |
ARINC 732 | - | Mark 2 Airborne Passenger Audio Entertainment Tape Reproducer, Supplement 1 |
ARINC 735 | - | Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System(TCAS), Supplement 1 |
ARINC 737 | - | On Board Weight and Balance System. Supplement 1 |
ARINC 738 | - | Air Data and Inertial Reference System (ADIRS) |
ARINC 741P1 | - | Aviation Satellite Communication System: Part I- Aircraft Installation Provisions |
ARINC 741P4 | - | Aviation Satellite Communications System: Part 4 - Specification and Description Language |
ARINC 742 | - | Design Guidance For Windshear Warning and Guidance Equipment |
ARINC 743 | - | Airborne Global Positioning System Receiver |
ARINC 743A | - | GPS/GLONASS Sensor |
ARINC 744 | - | Full Format Printer |
ARINC 745 | - | Automatic Dependent Surveillance, Supplement 1 |
ARINC 746 | - | Cabin Communications System, Supplement 1 |
ARINC 747 | - | Flight Data Recorder |
ARINC 748 | - | Communications Management Unit (CMU) |
ARINC 750 | - | VHF Data Radio (VDR) |
ARINC 751 | - | Gate-Aircraft Terminal Environment Link (Gatelink) - Aircraft Side |
ARINC 752 | - | TFTS Airborne Radio Sub-System |
ARINC 753 | - | HF Data Link System |
ARINC 757 | - | Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) |
ARINC539A | - | Airborne 400 Hz AC Tape Reproducer |
ARLO | - | Air Liaison Officer |
ARM | - | ADS Report Message |
ARM | - | Air Request Message |
ARM | - | Anti Radiation Missile |
ARM | - | Armenia |
ARMATS | - | State Closed Joint-Stock Company of Armenian Air Traffic Services |
ARN | - | ATS Routes and Associated Navigation Means |
ARN-1 (Table) | - | Basic ATS Route Network in the Lower and Upper Airspace |
ARN-2 (Table) | - | Radio Navigation Aids Associated with the Basic ATS Route Network Terminal Area and Instrument Approach Procedures |
ARN-V2 | - | ATS Route Network - Version 2 (ECAC, EATM) |
ARN-V3 | - | ATS Route Network - Version 3 (ECAC, EATM) |
ARNG | - | Arrange |
ARO | - | Air Traffic Service Reporting Office |
ARP | - | Aerodrome Reference Point |
ARP | - | Aerospace Recommended Practice |
ARP | - | Automated Route Planning |
ARPA | - | Advanced Research Project Agency |
ARPL | - | ADEXP Format Repetitive Flight Plans Message |
ARQ | - | Automatic error Correction |
ARQ | - | Automatic Request Repeat |
ARQ | - | Automatic Response to Query |
ARR | - | Arrive or Arrival or Arrival Message |
ARR SP | - | Arrival Sequence Planner |
ARS | - | Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service |
ARS | - | Avoidance Routing Scheme |
ARS | - | Special air-report (message type designator) |
ARSA | - | Airport Radar Serve Area |
ARSC | - | Air Rescue Sub Centre |
ARSR | - | Air Route Surveillance Radar |
ARST | - | Arresting (specify (part of) aircraft arresting equipment) |
ART | - | Analysis and Replay Tool |
ARTAS | - | Air Traffic Management Surveillance Tracker and Server System |
ARTAS TF | - | ARTAS Task Force |
ARTCC | - | Air Route Traffic Control Centre |
Artemis | - | An ESA experimental telecommunications satellite hosting an EGNOS navigation transponder |
ARTES-9 | - | Advanced Research in Telecommunication Systems |
ARTS | - | Area Radar Training Squadron |
ARTS | - | Automated Radar Terminal System |
ARU | - | Archive to UNIX |
ARU | - | Airspace Reservation Unit |
AS | - | Airspeed |
AS | - | Airspace |
AS | - | Altostratus |
AS, A-S | - | Anti-Spoofing |
ASA | - | Aircraft Situation Awareness |
ASA | - | Automated Support to ATC |
ASA | - | Automatic Slot Assignment |
ASA System | - | Automatic Slot Assignment System |
ASAP | - | Aircraft Separation Assurance Programme |
ASAP | - | As soon as possible / practicable |
ASARS | - | Air Surveillance Airborne Radar System |
ASAS | - | Airborne Separation Assurance System |
ASC | - | Ascend to or Ascending to |
ASCAP | - | Automatic SSR Code Assignment Procedure |
ASCB | - | Avionics Standard Communication Bus |
ASCII | - | American Standard Code for Information Interchange / Exchange |
ASCOT | - | Airport Slots Compliance Tools |
ASDA | - | Accelerated Stop Distance Available |
ASDAR | - | Aircraft to Satellite Data Relay |
ASD | - | CFMU/ENGD - Architecture & System Design Section |
ASDE | - | Airport Surface Detection Equipment |
ASD-TF | - | Air Situation Display Task Force |
ASE | - | Altimetry System Error |
ASE | - | Application Service Element |
ASECNA | - | Agency for the Safety of Air Navigation in Africa and Madagascar |
ASEP | - | ACCS Surveillance Exploratory Prototype (NATO / SHAPE) |
ASHTAM | - | NOTAM relating to volcanic and/or dust activity(ICAO) |
ASI | - | Aerospace Sciences Inc. |
ASI | - | Asia Region (ICAO) |
ASI | - | Air Speed Indicator |
ASIC | - | Application-Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASM | - | Ad-hoc Schedule Message |
ASM | - | AirSpace Management |
ASMAC | - | Automated System for Management of Aeronautical Information and Charting |
ASMC | - | Airspace Management Communications |
ASMGCS | - | Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems |
ASMI | - | Airport Surface Movement Indicator |
ASMT | - | ATM Safety Monitoring Tool |
ASMTF | - | Airspace Management Task Force |
ASN | - | Abstract Syntax Notation |
ASN 1 | - | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASNO | - | Approach Sequence Number |
ASO | - | Air Surveillance Officer |
ASOC | - | Air Sovereignty Operations Centre |
ASOC | - | Army Support Operations Centre |
ASOP | - | Airspace Organisation and Procedures System |
ASOS | - | Automatic Surface Observing |
ASP | - | Adjustable System Parameter |
ASP | - | Aeronautical Fixed Service Systems Planning for Data Interchange Panel |
ASP | - | Air Space |
ASP | - | AIRCOM Service Processor (SITA) |
ASP | - | Arrival Sequence Planner |
asp | - | assigned speed |
ASPH | - | Asphalt |
ASPP | - | Aeronautical Fixed Service Systems Planning for Data Interchange Panel |
ASQF | - | Application Specific Qualification Facility (part of EGNOS) |
ASR | - | Airport Surveillance Radar (TAR) |
ASR | - | Altimeter Setting Region |
ASRS | - | Aviation Safety Reporting System |
ASRT | - | Air Support Radar Team |
ASSR | - | Assigned SSR code (FPPS/DECADE) |
ASTA | - | Airport Surface Traffic Automation |
ASTER | - | Aviation Safety Targets for Effective Regulation |
ASTERIX | - | All-purpose Structured Eurocontrol Radar Information Exchange. |
ASTP | - | ADS Studies and Trials Project |
ASW | - | Anti Submarine Warfare |
ASW | - | Air Situation Window |
AT | - | At (an altitude) |
AT | - | Actual Time Count Down |
AT | - | Air Transport |
AT | - | At Time |
AT… | - | At (following by time at which weather change is forecast to occur) |
AT | - | Austria (ISO Country Code) |
AT | - | Royal Air Maroc (airline) |
ATA | - | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATA | - | Air Transport Association (of America) |
ATA | - | Airport Traffic Area |
ATAC | - | Airspace Traffic Data Capture |
ATAF | - | Allied Tactical Air Force |
ATAFF | - | Air Traffic Arbitrated Free Flight |
ATAG | - | Air Transport Action Group |
ATAR | - | Automatic Air Reporting |
ATARS | - | Automatic Traffic Avoidance and Resolution System |
ATAS | - | Air Traffic Advisory Service |
ATC | - | Air Traffic Control |
ATCA | - | Air Traffic Control Association (US) |
ATCA | - | Allied Tactical Communications Agency |
ATCA | - | Air Traffic Control Assistant |
ATCAP | - | Air Traffic Control Automation Panel (ICAO) |
ATCAS | - | (Sweden) ATC Automated System |
ATCC | - | Air Traffic Control Centre |
ATCC | - | Air Traffic Control Clearance |
ATCCC | - | Air Traffic Control Command Centre |
ATCEUC | - | Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Co- ordination |
ATCgram | - | Illustration in graph form of the main functional levels of ATC systems |
ATC-HMI | - | Air Traffic Control Human Machine Interface |
ATCI | - | Airport ATC and Information systems |
ATCO | - | Air Traffic Controller or Air Traffic Control Officer |
ATCRBS | - | Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System |
ATCRU | - | Air Traffic Control Radar Unit |
ATCS | - | Air Traffic Control Service |
ATCS | - | Advanced Train Control Systems |
ATCSCC | - | Air Traffic Control System Command Center |
ATCSQ | - | ATC Safety Questionnaire |
ATCT | - | Airport Traffic Control Tower |
ATCU | - | Air Traffic Control Unit |
ATD | - | Actual Time of Departure |
ATD | - | Along Track Distance |
ATDS | - | Airborne Tactical Data System |
ATE | - | Automatic Test Equipment |
ATFC | - | Air Traffic Flow Controller |
ATFM | - | Air Traffic Flow Management |
ATFM | - | CFMU/DEVD - ATFM Application Section |
ATFMC | - | Air Traffic Flow Management Communications |
ATFMO | - | Air Traffic Flow Management Organisation |
ATFMP | - | Air Traffic Flow Management Position |
ATFMS | - | Air Traffic Flow Management System |
ATFMU | - | Air Traffic Flow Management Unit |
ATFR | - | Air Traffic Flow Regulator |
ATG | - | Air Traffic Generator |
ATHR | - | Autothrust System |
ATI | - | Automatic Tracking Initiation |
ATIC | - | Administrative and Technical Inspection Committee(Agency structure) |
ATIF | - | ATN Trials Infrastructure |
ATILO | - | Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation |
ATIS | - | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
ATLAS | - | Air Traffic Land and Air Study [or Airborne Systems] (European Commission) |
ATLC | - | Atlantic |
Atm | - | Tyre Pressure (KG/cm3) |
ATM | - | Air Traffic Management |
ATM | - | Air Transportation Management |
ATM | - | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATM 2000+ | - | Eurocontrol ATM Strategy for the Years 2000+ |
ATMAS | - | Air Traffic Management Automated System (It. ATFM) |
ATMC | - | Air Traffic Management Centre |
ATMCP | - | ATM Operational Concept Panel (ICAO) |
ATMCT | - | Air Terminal Movement Control Team Centre(NATS UK) |
ATMG | - | Air Traffic Management Group |
ATMO | - | Air Traffic Management Organisation |
ATMOS | - | Air Traffic Management Operating System |
ATMS | - | Advanced Air Traffic Management System |
ATN | - | Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (the collection of ground subnetworks, air/ground subnetworks and airborne subnetworks interconnected by ATN routers that support computer-to-computer, internetwork communication and message transfer between host computers using the OSI ISO protocol architecture) |
ATN EURET | - | see EURATN |
ATN RD | - | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Routing Domain |
ATN RDC | - | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Routing Domain Confederation |
ATNC | - | ATN and Communication Architecture |
ATNI | - | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Internet |
ATNP | - | Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Panel(ICAO) |
ATNSI | - | ATN System Inc. (US) |
ATO | - | Actual Time Overhead of Overflying (CFMU - CASA) |
ATO | - | Airborne Traffic Observation |
ATOC | - | Allied Tactical Operations Centre |
ATOPS | - | Advanced Transport Operating System |
ATOT | - | Actual Take Off Time |
ATP | - | At…(time or place) |
ATP | - | Airline Transport Pilot |
ATPL | - | Airline Transport Pilot License |
ATRAC | - | Air Navigation Services Employee Training Concept |
ATRACC | - | ATC System for Riga Area Control Centre |
ATRK | - | Alone Track Error |
ATS | - | Air Traffic Services |
ATS | - | Automatic Throttle System |
ATSA | - | Air traffic Services Authority (Bulgaria &Croatia) |
AT-SAT | - | Air Traffic Selection and Training |
ATSD | - | Air Traffic Situation Display |
ATSC | - | Air Traffic Service Communications (Communications related to air traffic services. This includes ATC, aeronautical and meteorological information, position reporting and services related to safety and regularity of flight) |
ATSEP | - | Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel |
ATSIS | - | Air Traffic Services Investigation System |
ATSN | - | Air Traffic Service Network |
ATSO | - | Air Traffic Services Operator |
ATSORA | - | Air Traffic Services Outside Regulated Airspace |
ATSP | - | Air Traffic Service Providers |
ATSSD | - | ATS Standards Department |
ATSU | - | Air Traffic Service Unit |
ATSup | - | Air Traffic Supervisor |
ATT | - | Along Track Tolerance |
ATT | - | Attitude Indicator |
ATTN | - | Attention |
ATWR | - | Apron TWR |
ATYP | - | Aircraft Type |
ATZ | - | Aerodrome Traffic Zone |
AU | - | Arbitrary Unit |
AU | - | Australia (ISO Country Code) |
AUA | - | ATC Unit Airspace |
Aud | - | Audio aids |
AUP | - | Airspace Use Plan |
AURBO | - | Aurora Borealis |
AUS | - | Airspace Utilisation Service |
AUSOTS | - | Australian Organised Track Structure |
AUSTRO CONTROL | - | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt mbH (AT) |
AUTH | - | Authority |
AUTH | - | Autorized or Authorization |
AUTO | - | Automated (Metar) No Human Intervention |
AUTOB | - | Automatic Weather Reporting System |
AUTOCAD | - | Automatic Computer Aided Design |
AutoNav | - | Auto-Navigation |
AUTOVON | - | Automatic Voice Network |
AUW | - | All Up Weight |
AUX | - | Auxilliary |
AV | - | Audio-visual aids |
AV | - | Avianca |
AVAIL | - | Available |
AVBL | - | Available |
A-VASIS | - | Advanced Visual Approach Slope Indicator System |
AVENUE | - | ATM Validation Environment for Use towards EATMS |
AVG | - | Average |
AVGAS | - | Aviation Gasoline |
AVHRR | - | Advanced Very High-Resolution Radiometer |
AVI | - | Audio/Video Interleaved |
AVOL | - | Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level |
AVPAC | - | Aviation VHF Packet Communications |
AW | - | Area Width |
AW | - | Aerial Work |
AW/P | - | Active Way Point |
AWACS | - | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWAS | - | Automated Weather Advisory Station |
AWIPS | - | Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System |
AWIR | - | Automatically generated What-If Re-routing |
AWOG | - | All Weather Operations Group |
AWOP | - | All Weather Operations Panel (ICAO) |
AWOS | - | Automatic Weather Observing System |
AWSS | - | Automated Weather Sensor System |
AWP | - | Ancillary Working Position |
AWP | - | Arrival Waypoint |
AWP | - | Aviation Weather Processors |
AWR/Rn | - | Alternative flight plan on the basis of the Aircraft Operator „What-If“ Re-route Function (AOWIR), whereby „n“ designates the current number of the AOWIR alternative flight plan |
AWTA | - | Advise at What Time Table |
AWX | - | All Weather |
AWY | - | Airway |
AY | - | Finnair (airline) |
AZ | - | Aerodrome zone |
AZ | - | Alitalia (airline) |
AZ | - | Azerbaijan (ISO countries Codes) |
AZM | - | Azimuth |
Очень просто - нажать CMD + ALT + ESCили CMD + Option + ESC В яблочной операционной системе нет как такового диспетчера задач, но имеется его упрощенный аналог - "Принудительное завершение программ".
В продолжение статьи "Как закачать видео на ipad" возникла необходимость написать новую шпаргалку - в соответствии с "заявками телезрителей" - как выполнить это с использованием Wi-Fi, если планшет заблокирован на подключение к "чужим" компьютерам. Подобная ситуация возможна при использовании корпоративных планшетов, которые были настроены с помощью MDM (были переведены в режим SUPERVISED (управляемые), и для них был активирован запрет на подключение к чужим...
Программы Jeppesen eLink for Windows и JeppView позволяют распечатывать схемы аэродромов, в том числе и с помощью виртуальных принтеров - сохранять в формате PDF. Иногда может возникнуть необходимость (например, в образовательных целях) использовать часть схемы аэродрома, удалив часть объектов, либо, наоборот - внести в нее некоторые поправки и добавить дополнительные данные
Чем сложнее система, тем больше вероятность ее отказа. Чем сложнее программа, тем больше в ней может быть глюков, багов и косяков. Понятно, что каждый разработчик ПО старается свести к минимуму все глюки, но предусмотреть все и смоделировать все возможные ситуации просто не реально. Ошибки бывают не значительные, существенные и критические. В зависимости от типа выявленной ошибки на программу и...
- У тебя акробат стоит?- В последнее время все реже и реже... :( (Анекдот) Иногда при открытии документа PDF можно наблюдать следующую не очень оптимистическую надпись: Открытый файл соответствует стандарту PDF/A и открыт только для чтения. Внесение изменений запрещено.
Иногда необходимо самостоятельно изменить IP-адрес сервера. Все мануалы и "полезные статьи" в интернете указывают, что нужно всего-то внести изменения в файл сетевых настроек: etc/network/interfaces Но нигде это не написано главного, и все статьи в интернете не принимают в расчет конкретный номер версии операционной системы Debian и разные варианты реализации сетей!
Нужно было давеча попасть в небольшую немецкую деревушку - Раунхайм (Raunheim), расположенную не далеко от аэропорта Франкфурт Майн (EDDF/FRA). Расстояние от терминала вроде бы смешное - всего-то около 10 километров, но использовать такси - как-то не спортивно, пешком - не солидно, в результате было принято решение воспользоваться железнодорожным немецким транспортом. Железнодорожный транспорт в Германии очень...