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Термин/Аббревиатура | Определение/Расшифровка аббревиатуры | TOGA | Takeoff/Go Around |
Термин/Аббревиатура | Определение/Расшифровка аббревиатуры | CSEU | Control Systems Electronic Unit | bead (welding) | The ridge of filler metal that sticks up above the surface of metal that has been welded. The appearance of the bead usually indicates the condition of the weld. The bead of a good weld is uniform in height, has a smooth, uniform ripple on its surface, and blends evenly into the base metal. | minimum controllable airspeed (VMC) | The lowest airspeed at which an airplane is controllable with one engine developing takeoff power and the propeller on the other engine windmilling. VMC is marked on an airspeed indicator with a red radial line. | measured ceiling (meteorology) | A ceiling classification applied when the ceiling value has been determined by instruments or the known heights of unobscured portions of objects other than natural landmarks. | narcosis | A condition of deep stupor or unconsciousness produced by a drug or other chemical substance. | drawing number (aircraft drawing) | The number assigned to an aircraft drawing, which is located in the title block in the lower right-hand corner of the drawing. Drawing numbers often become the part number for the part made from the drawing. | noncomposite separation (air traffic control) | Air traffic separation in accordance with minimums other than the composite separation minimum specified for the area concerned. | EFC | Expect Further Clearance | MSG | Message | draftsman | A person who uses the process of mechanical drawing to make plans or sketches of machinery or structures. A draftsman functions differently from an artist in that the draftsman uses templates and other mechanical devices to assure technical accuracy of the drawing. Drawings made by an artist are normally done freehand, and they convey thoughts and impressions, rather than objective representation of specific details. | carbon arc | An electric arc produced when current flows through ionized air from the tip of one carbon rod to the tip of another. The intense heat produced by the passage of the current causes the tips of the carbon rods to vaporize and glow with a brilliant white light. | durability | A measure of engine life. Durability is normally measured in hours of time between overhauls, or TBO. | digital data (digital information) | Data in one of only two conditions: zero or one, off or on, false or true, low or high. Digital data differs from analog data in that it does not have any in-between conditions. | denim | A tough, heavy-duty fabric used for making work clothing. Denim is woven with colored threads for the warp (the threads that run the length of the fabric) and white threads for the fill (the threads that run across the fabric). | FSB | Flight Standardization Board | aviation snips | Compound-action hand shears used for cutting sheet metal. Aviation snips come in sets of three. One pair cuts to the left, one pair cuts to the right, and the third pair cuts straight. | abbr2eviated briefing | In meteorology, this is a shortened weather briefing to supplement the widely-disseminated aviation weather data. | EHSID | Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator Display | maneuvering area (flight operations) | That part of an airport intended for the taking off and landing of aircraft and for the movement of aircraft associated with takeoff and landing. It excludes the aprons. | galvanic corrosion | A form of corrosion that occurs between two metals having different locations in the electrolytic, or galvanic, series. See galvanic series. Corrosion can take place any time two metals are covered with an electrolyte. The amount of corrosion is determined by the difference in the location of the two metals in the galvanic series. The more active metal (the metal highest in the galvanic series) acts as the anode in the electrolytic process, and is eaten away. The more noble metal is not affected. | air lock (fluid system malfunction) | A pocket of air trapped in a line which carries a liquid. The air blocks the flow of the liquid. | technique | The manner in which procedures are executed. | attenuator (electrical equipment) | A network of resistors used to decrease the amplitude of an electrical signal without causing any phase shift or frequency distortion. | torching (reciprocating engine malfunction) | Flames that appear at the end of an exhaust stack of a reciprocating engine that is operating with an excessively rich fuel-air mixture. | DLC | Direct Lift Control | LAPC | Laptop Auxiliary Performance Computer | hydraulic valve lifter (reciprocating engine component) | A hydraulic device in the valve train of certain aircraft reciprocating engines. When the cam follower is on top of a cam lobe, the intake or exhaust valve is held open by a cushion of oil inside the valve lifter. A specific amount of this oil leaks out while the valve is open, and when the valve closes, a spring pushes the piston up and oil is pulled into the lifter to replace that which was lost. The continual leakage and replenishment of the oil in the hydraulic valve lifter keeps all clearance out of the valve operating system. | electronics | The study and use of the movement of free electrons. In electricity, we normally think of the movement of electrons only through conductors; but in electronics, we also consider the movement of electrons through materials that are not always conductors. Electrons can be caused to flow through a vacuum and through semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium. | Doppler VOR (DVOR) | A radio navigation system in which the carrier is amplitude modulated by the reference signal and frequency modulated by the variable signal. The Doppler Principle states that there is a change in frequency of a signal received when the distance between the source and receiver changes. When the distance decreases, the frequency increases. The opposite is true when the distance increases. | zenith | The point in the orbit of a satellite or any body rotating around another body, at which the orbiting body is the greatest distance from the object around which it is rotating. The zenith of an orbit is opposite the nadir of the orbit. | amendment status | The circulation date and revision number of an instrument approach procedure, printed above the procedure identification. | sky wave (radio transmission) | The portion of an electromagnetic signal that radiates upward from the antenna until it strikes the ionosphere, then bounces back to the earth. | departure control (air traffic control) | The function of an approach control facility that provides air traffic control service for departing IFR and, under certain conditions, VFR aircraft. | negative moment | A moment, or rotational force, that causes a body to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. | balanced pressure torch (welding torch) | A welding torch in which the oxygen and fuel gas are supplied at the same pressure. Each gas has its own valve to control the amount delivered to the tip. | density | A measure of the amount of mass in a unit volume. An example is the amount of mass in a cubic foot, cubic inch, or cubic centimeter. Density is usually expressed in such units as pounds per cubic foot or grams per cubic centimeter. | aerospace vehicle | A flight vehicle capable of flight in both the atmosphere surrounding the earth and in the space beyond the atmosphere. The space shuttle is an aerospace vehicle. | quartz pressure transducer | A precision instrument that senses pressure changes by the change in frequency of a quartz oscillator. When the quartz crystal controlling the frequency of the oscillator is acted on by the pressure being measured, the oscillator frequency changes. The amount of frequency change is proportional to the amount of pressure being measured. | APFDS | Autopilot and Flight Director System | designated intersection (navigational location) | A point on the surface of the earth over which two or more designated position lines intersect. The position lines may be magnetic bearings from NDBs, radials from VHF/UHF aids, centerlines of designated airways, air routes, localizers and DME distances. | remote airport advisory (RAA) | A remote service that may be provided by facilities not located on the landing airport, but which have a discrete ground-to-air communication or tower frequency when the tower is closed. RAA may have automated weather reporting with voice available to the pilot at the landing airport, and a continuous ASOS/AWOS data display, other direct reading instruments, or manual observation available to the AFSS specialist. | paralleling relay | A relay in a multiengine aircraft electrical system that controls a flow of control current which is used to keep the generators or alternators sharing the electrical load equally. The relay opens automatically to shut off the flow of paralleling current any time the output of either alternator or generator drops to zero. | induction furnace | An electric furnace in which the metal to be melted is heated by the induction of high-frequency electromagnetic energy. | local action (battery discharge) | The gradual self discharge of a battery on storage caused by internal chemical action. | primary winding (transformer winding) | The winding of a transformer connected across the power line. The primary winding is the input winding. | localizer course (ICAO) | The locus of points, in any given horizontal plane, at which the DDM (difference in depth of modulation) is zero. | moisture | Water contained in a mass of air. The water may be in the form of vapor, or it may be tiny droplets of haze, mist, or fog. | outer fix time (air traffic control) | A calculated time to depart the outer fix in order to cross the vertex at the actual calculated landing time (ACLT). The time reflects descent speed adjustments and any applicable delay time that must be absorbed prior to crossing the meter fix. | petroleum | The family of flammable materials obtained from crude oil by the process of distillation. Butane, propane, gasoline, naphtha, kerosine, diesel fuel, furnace oil, lubricating oil, marine fuel, road oil, tar, and asphalt are all petroleum products. | FAD | Fuel Advisory Departure |